With just over a week until the start of 2015 Mount Gay Round Barbados Race Series […]
Dave Immelman and his team on Black Cat (Dudley Dix 38) have won the Governor’s Cup […]
Kevin Webb, Sarel van der Merwe, and Brad Stemmett sailing Banjo, a Farrier F9AX trimaran, have […]
Having enjoyed nearly a week of good, consistent winds, crews in the Governor’s Cup fleet are […]
After a hectic start from Simon’s Town on Saturday (27 January) when winds gusted over 30kts […]
Lively conditions with winds reaching over 30kts made for an exciting start for the 2014/15 Governor’s […]
The arrival of the first overseas yachts into Bridgetown, including British VO70 Monster Project marks the […]
Race teams planning next season’s calendar could do worse than sign up for the Mount Gay […]